Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Funnies

What Would Jack Do?
What Would Jack Do?
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
Noise to Signal... or Blogger, for that matter.
The Daily What
Senor Gif
Funny celebrity photos - Star Trek pizza cutter
see more Lol Celebs Pizza: The final frontier.
demotivational posters - IN CHINA
see more Very Demotivational
If someone ever asks you to describe the Internet to them in four words look them straight in the eye and say “Cats morphing into croissants. The Internet is cats morphing into croissants.” The Daily What
I Know I Shall be Staying In
see more Epic Win FTW
Bits and Pieces
Darius Whiteplume's Tumblr
Fake Science
Fake Science
"I know origami!" "Show me." Sofa Pizza
funny pictures of cats with captions
Acquiring target... see more Lolcats and funny pictures
demotivational posters - IRISH SPECIAL FORCES
see more Very Demotivational
funny puns - They Never Knew Pleasure
see more So Much Pun
Celebrity Pictures - Justin Bieber - Kurt Cobain
see more Lol Celebs and rebuttal, from the same page:
see more Historic LOL
funny pictures-I have not yet had my coffeh.  You haz been warned.
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
demotivational posters - ACID
see more Very Demotivational
Bits and Pieces
The Daily What

see more dog and puppy pictures Warp Speed!
French Fry, from The Daily What
see more Political Pictures
Rise My Uruk-hai Warriors
see more Political Pictures
see more Political Pictures

xkcd Click over to read the hovertext. It's worth it.

I Has a Hotdog
The High Definite, on the Great Facebook Outage of 2010
This is a seriously weird world; I'm assuming this is faked, but someone thought to fake it.  And I thought it was funny.  And Sofa Pizza sez, "I’m having a hard enough time trying to get my 3yr old to use the potty without gliding a vuvuzela up his bunghole."
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
demotivational posters - ACCEPTANCE
see more Very Demotivational
Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL battle truck! That Will Buff Out
Skull Swap
The Far Left Side; the hovertext on this one reads "Click for ultra-fancy blue edition of Cartoon." So I did. And sure 'nuff...

I wonder how my Farmville crops are doing?
see more Political Pictures
work fails - Great Disasters Of The Twenty-First Century
see more Monday Through Friday "Great disasters of the 20th Century"
Sofa Pizza...  "Just so you know, you're not fooling anyone."
demotivational posters - WHEN YOU SEE IT
see more Very Demotivational... this picture has been around for a week or two, but I really like the caption.
Hard Work Just Don't Cut It No More
see more Political Pictures
RoboVlad: Part Man. Part Machine. All Comrade.
see more Political Pictures
Sofa Pizza
funny dog pictures-OMG  JACKPOT
see more dog and puppy pictures

1 comment:

splord said...

Holy shit, this was a good week!

Thanks, as ever!